Strategic Learning Forward

Where education meets strategy. Fuel growth and innovation with lasting impact.
Strategic Learning Forward

Strategic Learning Forward


The Hidden Cost of Traditional Training—and How to Fix It

In today’s fast-changing work environment, businesses face a significant challenge: How can you ensure your employees remain engaged, adaptable, and equipped with the right skills? Traditional training methods simply don’t cut it anymore. Personalized learning is the solution that modern organizations need to implement to stay competitive and future-proof their workforce. …


Strategies for Efficient Learning: Insights from World Champion Josh Waitzkin

Josh Waitzkin, the world champion in Tai Chi Push Hands, discusses efficient and effective learning strategies in an episode of The Tim Ferriss Show.

In this conversation, he emphasizes the importance of deliberate, structured practice, tracking biomarkers like heart rate variability, sleep, and nutritional and physical training patterns.

Waitzkin encourages proactive day architecture, meditation, and creating white space for deep work.

He suggests using the Most Important Question (MIQ) tool to focus on what matters most, periodical review to analyze and improve the process as the team progresses, and emphasizes the art of letting go and releasing your conscious mind.

He also highlights the importance of introspection and achieving unobstructed self-expression.

Lastly, he discussed the importance of creating white space for deep work and the art of saying no. He believes in self-expression and achieving unobstructed self-expression.

I hope you enjoy watching this conversation. Share your thoughts in the comments below!

How to Build a Future-Ready Workforce with Personalized Learning

In today’s fast-paced world, change is inevitable. Organizations are constantly facing new challenges, from technological advancements to shifting market demands. The question is: How do you ensure your workforce is ready for the future? The answer lies in personalized learning. Personalized learning is more than just a trend—it’s a strategy for …

From Encyclopedias to Infographics: How Education Has Evolved with Technology and Experiential Learning

Diana Laufenberg shares how education has changed from her grandmother’s time to her own, and how it has become more accessible with technology.

She talks about her experience teaching American government and using the internet as a tool for authentic learning.

In this TED talk published in 2010, she also discuss about challenging her middle school students to identify someone in their own life who had made a positive impact and to put their own voice over it.

You can also find out about her current teaching experience at a public school in Pennsylvania, where they embrace the information surplus and let go of traditional paradigms. They allow students to fail as part of the learning process and encourage experiential learning.

Diana gives an example of a unit they did on responding to an oil spill, where students produced a series of infographics. They processed out loud what made certain visual products great and talked about the learning process.

She concludes by saying that education should focus on empowering student voice and experiential learning, rather than just getting information.

How to Harness Your Brain’s Potential for Learning

In this informative video from 2015, Dr. Lara Boyd takes us on a journey through the fascinating world of brain plasticity.

She explains how the brain can change in response to experiences and how this can help support short and long-term memory, as well as motor skills. Boyd highlights the importance of understanding neuroplasticity and how it can lead to better rehabilitation interventions for those suffering from stroke.

She emphasizes that everyone is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to learning. Boyd’s research is revealing that certain characteristics of brain structure and function can predict patterns of recovery after stroke.

She encourages everyone to discover how they learn best, adopt healthy behaviors and break those that are not.

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